Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Like to Dream, yeah....

I just had one of my wishes answered, to see a friend I had known many years ago. We had a close relationship for a short time when I was fifteen years old, but since he was eighteen at the time, my family didn't approve and we stopped seeing each other. He was Native American Indian, Cherokee, and he had been adopted by a family after he was "found abandoned in the forest" literally, as a baby. I met him the first time when I went with his brother and his family to church. His brother and I were friends, went to school together and we were both born on the same day in the same year at the same hospital!

My friend's brother, John, who had been adopted, also looked like John Kay (above), the lead singer of Steppenwolf. My friend John and I were both troubled teens, and he had a protective, big brother sense about him. He would walk miles to my house to see me, even with an injured leg. He was also very wild, did a lot of crazy things that got him into trouble sometimes, but was a very kind, honest and thoughtful person. My aunt who I lived with at the time was not favorable about my interest in him and wouldn't allow me to keep seeing him, so we eventually stopped seeing each other. Since then, I wondered about him from time to time and how he was doing. I remember the last time John and I were at my mother's house together, we heard the news on the television that Jim Morrison had just died.

John was on my mind recently again, because during a recent trip to Tulsa I saw an interesting Persian rug shop on my way back from a bookstore on Cherry Street. My daughter and I thought we might find a "magic carpet" there so we stopped inside. After looking around we saw a carpet hanging above a doorway in the back of the store that was an antique rug with beautiful designs. I asked about the price and it was around $2,200! It was a small and valuable antique, but it also seemed like the magic carpet we were hoping to find. I wish I had taken a picture, but the store owner seemed very protective, his arms folded like Aladin as if to keep us from getting too close.

After we left, I was thinking of the song by Steppenwolf, "Magic Carpet Ride," so my friend John came to mind again and because we were driving through so many different Native American territories along the way home. Also, since I had searched for Native American Indian moccasins for my friend's baby shower recently, and making friends with a couple of shop owners I met who are Cherokee and Osage.

Then, this weekend I was at a friend's house with a gathering of people I have known for many years. One couple I have seen within the group of friends, but I hadn't gotten to know them personally. The husband, Gary, started to share with the group that his brother was having serious health problems, and as he started to describe a dream he had about his brother, that his brother was adopted and was a full-blood Native American Indian, John immediately came to my mind. Of course, I also thought that would be impossible. As I listened to him begin to describe his brother's condition, I said, excuse me Gary, what is your brother's name? He told me, and it was my friend John! I shouted, "NO WAY!!" He asked, "Why, do you know him?" We started talking after that and Gary was John's older brother who I hadn't met because he was ten years older than John and was not living at home when I knew his family.

John had some serious health issues recently and almost died of liver failure two times. He also broke his previously injured leg (he stepped into a hole at a party and fell) and it became infected and his leg had to be amputated just below the knee. His brother and wife were happy to get me in touch with John and he contacted me for a visit. I got to see him today and it was so great to find out that although it has been many years, except for his health problems, he is still exactly the same! Another bizarre twist to the story is that his roommate that he is helping, a biker with a Harley, was a drummer for Steppenwolf! He is going to be playing with a band in a concert later this month and John invited me to go.