Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The tefillah of a tzaddik:

Yaakov 5:16

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
16 Therefore, make vidduy (confession of sin) to one another, and daven tefillos on behalf of one another, so that you may have refuah sheleimah (complete healing). The tefillah of a tzaddik is powerful and effective.

Monday night while praying in the chapel at St. John the Baptist Parish, a thunderstorm came through with strong winds and flash flooding. As the rain and wind died down again, I started to read Psalm 104. Suddenly the fire alarms started going off throughout the building just as I read, "You touch the volcano and it erupts"! I waited a few minutes to see if anyone would come to shut them off or if I could see any damage, but nobody came. I had to leave because it was too loud to stay. The emergency lights were flashing through the stained glass windows and throughout the building as I drove away. 

Tonight I remembered the scripture in James 5:16, "The prayer of someone seeking to live right with God is a power to be reckoned with." Remember Elijah? Fervent, red hot, passionate, intense prayer yields results?  Sound the alarm. 

(The sprinklers didn't come on right away, however, when I went by again tonight there was a "Wet Floor" sign in the Chapel.)