16 Therefore,
make vidduy (confession of sin) to one another, and daven tefillos on
behalf of one another, so that you may have refuah sheleimah (complete
healing). The tefillah of a tzaddik is powerful and effective.
Monday night while praying in the chapel at St. John the Baptist Parish, a thunderstorm came through with strong winds and flash flooding. As the rain and wind died down again, I started to read Psalm 104. Suddenly the fire alarms started going off throughout the building just as I read, "You touch the volcano and it erupts"! I waited a few minutes to see if anyone would come to shut them off or if I could see any damage, but nobody came. I had to leave because it was too loud to stay. The emergency lights were flashing through the stained glass windows and throughout the building as I drove away.
Tonight I remembered the scripture in James 5:16, "The prayer of someone seeking to live right with God is a power to be reckoned with." Remember Elijah? Fervent, red hot, passionate, intense prayer yields results? Sound the alarm.
(The sprinklers didn't come on right away, however, when I went by again tonight there was a "Wet Floor" sign in the Chapel.)