Sunday, December 6, 2009

Modernist Era of the Semester

As the end of the semester has arrived, I have enjoyed my English Literature course most of all. While finishing the third essay, my computer crashed, just as I completed my essay of T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," but before it was submitted. My computer is on its last let, but did not let me down, and somehow I was able to salvage the essay! For a second, I felt the grip of Eliot's words, "son of man... I will show you fear in a handful of dust." This picture of Salvador Dali, "The Persistence of Memory," reminded me of Eliot's landscape in "The Waste Land," as well as the fact that all the knowledge I would like to have retained reminds me of the fragmented juxtaposed images of his landscape... hopefully, through persistence I will be able to remember it all. I still want to read Joyce's "Ulysses" and re-read Virginia Woolfe's "Mrs. Dalloway," as well as all the other authors we have visited this semester. I would like to know all the meaning to all the references in classical literature, the languages, etc., as well as to interpret as well as Freud and Jung do in psychoanalysis, but what can I expect? It was a quick tour on an omnibus?, like going on an introductory tour and trying to take in all the sites and history in a short matter of days, but it was well worth the effort. It is really not the end, but only the beginning. Thanks to our professor for a great start!


  1. What a fantastic note.

    With this sentence, I am in love:

    "I would like to know all the meaning to all the references in classical literature, the languages, . . . to interpret as well as Freud and Jung do.... "

    The "etc." is literary coitus interuptus. No comma needed after "?" or the "end" before "the beginning." ;)

    Love the visual.

  2. Ahh, snap! May it not 'interuptus' again... I appreciate your comments and especially that you share the same passion for learning and lit. I usually need to be smacked a bit in regards to punctuation and MLA formatting(I can beat my own head against a wall, but it doesn't usually yeild the same results), so I welcome both the favorable comments and critique as your kindness and hope to benefit from it often. <3
