Friday, June 18, 2010

Killer Birthday Party! (or Birthday Party Killer?)

@ Twenty-two

Yesterday was my friend Cooper's 22nd Birthday - a time in life sometimes sparked by hedonism. Things can get complicated when planning a party with/for friends, sometimes things get a little carried away - people can even get carried away - literally!!!

It started with a text at 7am. William decided to throw a party for Cooper and needed some help: (A) I had to cancel my plans with Cooper for dinner and make him think I couldn't make it, and also that none of his friends could be there (ouch, no dinner with Cooper at Chili's?) (B) I had to get Cooper out of the house for the evening, while William (who was supposed to be working late) got things ready for the party, (C) I had to be at William's at 5pm to help him get things ready for the party, and (D) yes, there was (D), we had to go on a run to pick up people for the party and then get a few necessary things, a cake or two, drinks, balloons, and handcuffs?!

William, who would not take no for an answer, even if he had to get a little carried away, determined to get Cooper's friend Corey out of his house and get him to the party. As soon as Cory opened the door, William picked him up to carry him outside before he knew what's up. After some encouragement he agreed to go with us, and we picked up a few more people on the way who needed a ride (and a little encouragement) to get to the party, along with my daughter, Ariele. Other friends also showed up. Luckily, Cooper's friend and band mate, Ben, called just in time to get Cooper out of the house and they went to meet his mom for dinner at Chili's while we came back to get things ready.

By the time Cooper showed up again with Ben everything was ready. William met Cooper outside and talked with him privately, then managed to get him handcuffed to the lamppost in the front yard without the feared bloodshed. I think his words went something like this: "I don't have time to explain, but I've been through hell today, so if you resist me it's only going to piss me off, so it would be best if you just cooperate with me and let me handcuff you to this lamppost." Whatever he said, it worked like a charm and Cooper, who still had no idea what was going on just said, "what the hell?... um, ok dude" *lesson: never piss off a tired drag queen/'big brother'* The rest of us came outside on cue from William and lined up with water balloons - one for each of the 22 years - along with a few extras. William insisted that I had to go first, so after getting Cooper's okay I picked up the smallest one. I didn't throw it hard enough, so it bounced off his chest and broke when it fell onto the grass, "sploosh," significantly like when a mom's water breaks when a baby is about to be born. After that, Cooper was treated 'execution style' by a water balloon from each of his friends, until the 16th year turn came up, which was my turn again. Cooper told me he was only 16 when we first met, but he was actually 18. He and Ariele told me that story so I would let him in the house, ha. William helped me throw the balloon by grabbing my hand to direct my throw, so it broke over Cooper's shoulder. When the 22nd year came up, it was William's turn - which, instead of a balloon, he used a small, round pink cake that he threw at Cooper and got a little carried away at the end with rubbing it in. Afterward he uncuffed him and presented him with a large birthday cake with his name on it that we could all eat.

The idea was to be a symbolic way of shedding 22 years of bullshit and getting a new start. I was "kinda lame" about the idea at first, as Ariele put it, because I didn't understand the significance of being handcuffed and getting things thrown at you by friends you trust - until we did it. I kept saying I didn't want to do anything that could make someone feel torn down or hurt in any way, I knew Cooper had been through hell already. William said, "What?! did you think I was a NICE person?! Did you think this was going to be a NICE birthday party?!" And he had to explain things to me so I understood the significance. It was acting out, basically. I had to re-learn, due to my own past 'bad' experiences that it's okay to get wild, play and have fun. Not that I don't have a wild side and have fun, but I realized I had been robbed of a lot of fun in life by fear, trying to stay "safe" from my past abuse by not taking any "risk" where I was not "in control" even when it was a matter of trust and fun, so it was a symbolic and freeing experience for me as well. Cooper agreed to go along with it and was totally blown away by the whole thing because it was so unexpected. Cooper didn't expect that anyone was going to do anything special or show up on his birthday. His mom didn't show up for their dinner, which wasn't supposed to happen, but she did make it by the party, and other than that, Cooper had a killer birthday.

To view the famous lamp post, see youtube video at

William & Cooper - 2 Geminis!

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