Friday, January 21, 2011

I live on 1985 Ecstacy Drive

Some things in life can be a bitch, but sometimes you just have to bend over and "take it like a man." I'm not sure if my version is in line with the original interpretation of the quote "take it like a man," but it seems appropriate to me at this time. If you've ever been there, you know what I mean.

I know it's a far cry from the joyful beginnings and baby moccasins I wrote about previously, but that shows how life can change in an instant from one extreme to another without giving notice. It reminds me of the time I played my daughter's video game and was getting into it when I was ambushed by zombies. I thought I was putting up a good fight when suddenly, I was looking at the rafters. I thought, "this can't be good." It's a view I didn't want to know from the obvious position of being flat on my virtual back.

I am also reminded of the feeling I have when I avoid going through a certain neighborhood or area, thinking if I try to walk this way I may not come out the other side in one piece. Now suddenly I find myself on that block with a new address metaphorically and all I can do is get radical about it. Sure, I like the refined, delicate and peachy-cream world when life is going my way, but then, I also like Picasso and really good art is sometimes produced through difficult times.

I can't help but think of Pearl, the little female pig we had to dissect in biology class and feeling that I too had been on that end of the scalpel and didn't want to have to be there again. But then, also like Picasso and William Burroughs there is nothing like a good cut up artist to find out what is really "happening" and what is "now" in the universe, and all we have is now. I have a unique chance to have a glimpse of life from a new perspective and I intend to attack it in a radical way and get everything out of it I can!!

(I will write about my childhood next time...)

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