Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week Seven!

Here is me getting my root canal! Three hours of holding my mouth open made me think of all the times I should have kept it closed! Payback's a .... painful process.

This week has been a challenge to stay sane (a relative term), with little sleep and a full schedule, appointments and assignments due. I made it through, but not in the greatest form. By Saturday, it seems I had regressed to the point I could barely hold a cup when at work I dropped a customer's large supreme deep dish pizza on the floor, then a can of soda (at least a whole meal was sacrificed). The list goes on, then when I got home, the pizza delivery car topper was still on my car, so I had to drive back and turn it in.

Earlier in the week, I made it most of one day until, arriving at an appointment at 4pm, I realized my sweater was on backwards, which was a turtleneck, so who would know, right? I had been watching a youtube video by Tom Greene earlier in the week, "The Backwards Man," so I had to laugh and I started singing it until a woman walked out of the building. I stopped, but she looked at me like I was having too much fun to be walking alone in the parking lot! So, today, I am hoping the next week will go a little smoother. Tests and papers are due, so we'll see. But at least, no root canal!

Above is a photo of my visit to the College of Dentistry at OU. I have two student dentists who take turns working on my dental care. They are best friends, and have been really great to me. Aaron, with the mask, first helped me. I had a bad experience a few years back with one dental procedure, so when I first went to the school, I was very nervous (an anxiety attack is more accurate). However, he was very thoughtful and patient. Rob is the friend he recommended to do some of the work, and he came to check and see if Aaron was doing things right, ha. They have been very understanding and have done a wonderful job. I highly recommend their program to anyone. They helped me get into the full program, which is not easy, since openings for new patients are limited.

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