Sunday, April 24, 2011


In January, Mori was born healthy and already putting his parents to the test. When the time came for his arrival, the plan to have a home-birth came into full-bloom suddenly. However, the arrival of the midwife was delayed while she was caught in traffic on her way from Tulsa to Norman. The father, Michael, had to follow through with the delivery himself, while Cassie put her trust in her husband to bring them safely through! Moriah was definitely a joyful beginning, putting his life in his father's hands while teaching his first lesson on who's the boss, at least for a little while, Go Mori! Father, Mother and son were all doing fine afterward with an experience to remember that few have shared.

Last week I got a call from my friend John that I got back in touch with recently. He was at the hospital after having some tests done for his liver and treatment. He said that his doctor told him he would not be getting on the list for a liver transplant. I asked him why not, I was worried that maybe he wouldn't be eligible if it was necessary. John said, "It's because I am doing so well my doctor said I won't be needing one!" The doctor told him that his liver has improved and is in the process of healing itself since the stints were put in place during his last surgery. What great news to share!

The concert we were going to attend with his roommate's band last month however fell through. They decided to check out the place before committing to play and the venue turned out to be a redneck bar that would have been more likely to develop into a scene for fights and harassment, so not really worth it.

This weekend will be a different venue, so we are looking forward to trying again. Next month, Leonard, his roommate who plays the drums, will also be playing at the the Hawq Lakes Bike Rally and will be playing drums on stage with Otis Redding and Black Oak Arkansas. Wow, I can't believe that band is still around! If I'm up to it, I may go for the last day of the event to hear them play, we'd get to go in along with the roadies so it will be hassle-free.

As for my daughter, she is getting ready to take yet another bus trip, this time to Lawrence, KS to visit her father. I should be relieved that at least she will be visiting her dad and her uncle, right?

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